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Official Bio


Sara Stevens Nichols is a speaker, leader, and author of snicholsblog (pronounced “snickelsblog”) since 2004. Her experience as a public interest lawyer in Washington, DC, and around the California legislature and a minister at the Center for Spiritual Awareness in West Sacramento informs her work as a co-creator of a completely new reality. She has experienced and facilitated healing from knee, shoulder, and wrist pain, compulsive eating, codependence, vagueness with money, fear of intimacy, and workaholism–progress in all those areas requires connecting with her inner knowing.


Sara Stevens Nichols is a speaker, leader and author of snicholsblog since 2004. Her experience as a public interest lawyer in Washington, DC, and around the California legislature and a minister at the Center for Spiritual Awareness in West Sacramento informs her work as a co-creator of a completely new reality. As both a public interest lawyer and a new thought minister, Sara has acted as a bridge between the left brain part of humanity associated with analysis, doing, and achieving and the right brain part of humanity associated with creativity and connection with the all-in-all. To do so, she has studied, practiced, and taught multiple practices that can get across that bridge more and more reliably.

In the process, she has experienced healing from knee, shoulder, and wrist pain, compulsive eating, codependence, vagueness with money, fear of intimacy, and workaholism–progress in all those areas requires connecting with her inner knowing.

Sara lives with her husband, (well-known environmental leader, Bill Magavern in an intentional community in downtown Sacramento. They have two adult children.

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Download a PDF of Sara’s public speaking appearances (list of links to videos from 1989 to 2024).

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