About Sara

Rev. Sara Stevens Nichols is a minister, healer, teacher, author of snicholsblog and public interest advocate. Her experience as a public interest lawyer in Washington, DC, and the California legislature and a minister at the Center for Spiritual Awareness in West Sacramento informs her work as a co-creator of a completely new reality.

As both a public interest lawyer and a new thought minister, Sara has acted as a bridge between the left brain part of humanity associated with analysis, doing, and achieving (which she calls the state of Minerva) and the right brain part of humanity associated with creativity and connection with the all in all (which she calls the state of Nirvana). To do so, she has studied, practiced, and taught multiple practices that can get across that bridge more and more reliably, including Science of Mind, Byron Katie’s “The Work,” the 12 steps, Mary Morrissey’s work, and the dynamic laws of Catherine Ponder.

Sara’s special focus has been an understanding and application of the quantum physics of consciousness through learning and integrating the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Access Consciousness, and, more recently, Robert Scheinfeld’s Busting Loose from the Money Game.

In the bargain, she has revealed healing from knee, shoulder, and wrist pain, compulsive eating, codependence, vagueness with money, fear of intimacy, and workaholism–progress in all those areas requires connecting with inner knowing.

Sara is a third-generation Californian raised in San Diego with a legacy of authorship. Her grandmother, Sallie Stevens Nichols, worked with Carl Jung in the 1950s in Zurich and went on to publish in the 1970s one of the most enduring and influential books on the Tarot, still in print today and translated into many languages, Jung and Tarot: an archetypal journey. Sara’s father, Prescott Stevens Nichols, was the author of multiple plays

Sara’s influences include: Access Consciousness, Amit Goswami, Byron Katie, Catherine Ponder, Deepak Chopra, Joe Dispenza. Ernest Holmes, Greg Baer, John Randolph Pierce, Maria Nemeth, Mary Morrissey, Peter D’Adamo, Prescott Stevens Nichols, Ralph Nader, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Scheinfeld, Sallie Stevens Nichols, The 12 Steps.

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